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Abraham brings the sweetness of love for each of us that we may love each other
Channeled by Joan, 18.10.16
(For those reading this who do not know Abraham from previous channelings, during his earth life, he was a slave living in very harsh circumstances. Throughout, he managed to maintain his love of God and his fellow man. He told us his story without bitterness and now, when ever he speaks through Joan, he is bubbling with happiness and leaves us each time uplifted, lighter in heart and with smiles on our faces).
Sister Gabrielle: Julia and I come with our blessings as always and we come with great love for you. We know that you are doing your best whatever circumstances you are in. I will stand aside now and let this joyous little soul come through.
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Oh, I’m so pleased to be able to speak to you again. I have waited a little while, you know. I have stood on one side for other people, which I gladly did. I am Abraham. I come with such love for all of you. Oh, I come with the sweetness of love that I can give to each one of you and as I’m giving this love to you, it spreads all over the planet because I want each one to feel happier. I want each one to feel safe within themselves. I want each one to realise that the God within you is lifting you. The God within you will do all sorts of things for you. Also, you have such wonderful Archangels that are always ready to help you. I want today to bring you the sweetness of love, the honey of love. It is sweet and it is so beautiful because when you draw it into your heart, because the sweetness is love you find within you a lovely light feeling. You feel that you can rise upward. Not only that but you will see so clearly the people who are around you and the goodness that is within each one that you meet, each one that you talk to. That beautiful, beautiful sweetness is within them.
I want for the moment for you to think of a mountaintop. From the mountaintop gushes water, pure, pure water. As this water gushes down the mountainside, it is blessed by Spirit. Therefore, the water is crystal clear. As it tumbles down, you, my children, are there and you draw near to the pool made by the gushing stream. You put your hands into the water, scooping it up to drink and drink. Drink the crystal water, which will go within and cleanse you. The water that tumbles down from the mountaintop is blessed and with the blessing comes love. As you drink the refreshing water, it is food for the soul. Not only is it food for the soul but it is love, love, love. It is not difficult, you know, to love. It is just being nice, being kind and if you find that difficult, you had better look inside yourself and see what is the matter with you because it is God’s will that you should be happy. It is God’s will, too, that you should make each other happy and the biggest thing of all is learning not to criticise. Learn that if the thoughts that come into your head are not charitable, then send out loving thoughts to follow them, to counteract them.
I want so much for you to see the glory that is within you. You have the Universe within you. Every organ, everything about you is in contact with the outer worlds. That makes you a Universe within yourself because parts of you are communicating with the planets. They each have a colour and these colours are all within you, within the chakras. Because they are within you, the chakras give out the same colours as the planets that are helping you.
I am telling you these things because I am so eager for you to climb the ladder, climb that golden ladder by your actions, your ways, your responses to different people around you who may not please you. Love, love. The emphasis is love and God is love. All the negative conditions that you have, recognise them. Be aware of them. You can, you know, develop a sensitivity, an awareness, that will tell you, show you that your thought, your feeling, was not the right one.
Children of the earth, I come with love. I come with the deepest desire for you to feel as I feel. I am not going over my life on earth but I will tell you, it was very difficult because there was so much anger and resentment. We could only communicate amongst ourselves as there was no-one else. We began to realise what we needed to do and we said ‘Halleluja, oh Father, help us please to be in tune with one and other so we can work as a family’. if we could do this, we would begin to love each other and nothing could hurt us and this we did. This helped us over very great traumas. This is what I am explaining to you. Let love into your life. Love yourself. Love every organ in your body. Give love and you will find that because you love yourself, love will stream out of you for everyone you meet. That is all I want to say to you today. Remember that you are all well loved. Not one of you on this earth plane can do anything at all, any thought, any feeling – every good attention is noted as The Great Lord of All, He knows and He understands. So, again I say love, love, love. On that note I am going back now on the wings of a dove with a prayer for each one this day. God bless you and God keep you as He always does in His wonderful Light. God bless you.
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Sister Julia: I find that when this lovely soul comes, he leaves behind him a golden spiral, a golden gleam. It leaves each of us with such a lot of love. It is laughter that he brings. He giggles a lot, you see and he sees humour in everything. He is a beautiful soul. We, the Sisters of love, say God bless you, God keep you. We ask each one of you to remember what has been said and to do your very best. God bless you now and forever more. Amen.
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