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chakra and auras
How to See Auras
As an aura observer you can watch how the aura affects others and anyone can learn how to see auras. For example, the red of lustful thoughts, the scarlet flash of anger, the yellow -green of jealousy flashing across the yellow field of the aura and betraying the ideas that lie behind the pleasant talk.
Aura Colours – Colours and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head show special meanings. When you are actually watching someone’s aura you can see the other person’s thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected.
Fake or Real – We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see so it is well worth taking the time and effort to learn how to view a persons aura.
Changing Colours – The colours surrounding a person can and will often change several times a day. This is due to the energy and this will reflect how the person feels and will therefore change with their mood.
Energy Fields – For most people, several different colours appear within their energy field at one time. Aura photography is now in great demand. Everyone has energy around him or her, and each aura is unique. If having the opportunity to get your aura photographed remember this will be as your colours are shown on the day and does not mean that your aura will always be the colour shown.
What do the Colours Mean?
Below are some of th

e meanings you can attribute to a persons aura when seeing certain colors, however if having a good sense of your own intuition I would suggest you use this.
Colored chakras and auras
White – denotes purity, joy, innocence and healing powers
Purple – denotes a strong spiritual character, wisdom, power, pride and a sense of justice.
Blue – shows someone is tranquil, creative and sensitive, with a gift for healing.
Green – hints at material wealth, but can also be a sign of emotional stress.
Yellow – shows a happy spirit, with sharp intellect and a zest for life.
Orange – indicates an ambitious, sociable nature.
Red – lusty and passionate, also implies courage, strength, vitality and severity.
Grey – can reveal that someone feels trapped.
Pink – shows a romantic soul who is loving, kind and a good friend. Highly fertile.
Black – can show past trauma and illness.
Gold – highly spiritual, working with the divine.
Brown – a down-to-earth, grounded personality.
Learn more:-
How the chakra system works
Program and use a pendulum effectively
How to heal your own chakras
Aura healing technique
Reiki symbols
How to use chakra stones
Aura colour and meanings
How to complete a full Aura and Chakra treatment
Taking a course in the study of this subject can teach you so much more. Take this course in Chakra and Aura Healing
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