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Lfe, the Universe and everything.. Law of Attraction theory
Life, the Universe and everything...a fabulous title for a book from Douglas Adams. I have that feeling sometimes of being overwhelmed by it all. Life, the Universe and everything.
Sometimes I have a very clear picture of what the Universe is all about, and it has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction, which isn't even technically a 'Law' like ....Gravity; really it is just a theory. Like God is a theory. Not a Law. Unless you believe in him/her/it and then it becomes a Law. Is that how the Law of Attraction works? It is not actually a Law until you believe it and then you can believe it so fiercely, independantly and to the exclusion of all else, that it becomes so into your reality. Sort of like a religious fervour but without the fancy dress?
I love the idea of the Law of Attraction, but is that all it is, an idea? The idea that thought creates everything. We have the power not in our hands but in our minds?
Okay then. I will ignore the Karmic theory; and the reincarnation; and the human experience as a way to evolve soul development. Yet, I believe these to be true. I believe it is true that before we incarnate to this little earthly experience we have agreed to be this person who either chooses to overcome difficulty or sink under the weight of our obligation.
Where does the Law/theory of Attraction fit in with a spiritual understanding of what happens to our soul and our earthly experience. Can I make it fit? of course I can, I can do anything. According to Esther and Jerry Hicks and the Abraham channelled entity I am able to create anything I want.
So, the question is, do I want to include the Law of Attraction into my life experience? Do I want to know that the thoughts I am thinking will attract to me ..just that? or would I prefer to potter along being Tamasin, knowing that I have chosen this life experience in order to have the experience of..(in my case, being a daughter of alcoholic parents, losing my elder brother to suicide at the age of 15, experiencing homelessness, overcoming shyness and being a single mother, experiencing hurt and pain...) all of these experiences have not been brought to me by accident. The Tamasin that is aware and alive, living, breathing, talking, crying, laughing human would NEVER have chosen any of these states of experience.
There are many reasons I have chosen this incarnation before I got here. I now know how to empathise; I know how to care; I understand loss; I know how to grieve; I relish the everday and know how precious life is. I also know that there is a greater purpose to all of our lives and that we are all being watched on our progress by our guardian angels and spirit guides.
I still love the theory of the Law of Attraction and I lift my vibration as often as I am able; I do this not solely for my benefit but so that if by some chance I am successful in ridding resistance from my vibration and I am bestowed with money, material wealth, success and happiness I will then be in a position to shower my gifts on other people who are less fortunate than me.
Loving the Law of Attraction theory and all who sail in her!
God Bless
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