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Somebody once said that we make our own luck, and that we are all masters of our own destinies. There is some truth in the saying, as we all have choices and decisions to make from almost the day we are born. Some people are indeed lucky - they always seem to make the right decision or choice, whereas as the majority of us are just feeling our way in the dark. But are they lucky? Have they got some kind of second sense? The answer is "no", a lot have a natural instinct, but most take advantage of any kind of help they can get. This help can come in many different forms.
Astrology is one of the oldest arts which people have successfully used over the years. Why and how it works is still a mystery, but it has been proved beyond doubt, that it does. An astrologer cannot make a decision or choice for you, but can tell you the favourable times when destiny is on your side. He can tell you when it is a wise time to invest, when you will have the chance to meet someone very interesting. You simply have to decide whether you accept this.
Luck is not only about love and money - to some people having just enough is considered lucky. To know that you are loved (whether it be by your dog, friends or family) is enough to keep a lot of people content. Luck can play a big part with our health. A good astrologer can advise you on what is considered your weak points, thus giving you every opportunity to protect yourself. It makes sense that if your tummy is your "weak point", it is better to avoid foods that irritate it. The choice is always yours.
Because of their profound interest in the heavens, many astrologers are naturally psychic. They are not fortune-tellers, they have simply learnt to trust their instincts and act on them. We can all learn from them, once again the choiced is ours alone.
So for your New Years Resolution, why not make a few positive decisions, and use all the tools available, including a good astrologer. This time next year, take stock, and see what a difference you have made to your life.
For more Sparkling writing style and insights from the UK's most original and sincere Astrologer Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscopes today!
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