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Namaste to all x if you are interested in the pyschology of spirituality, ghosts, orbs, spirit attachment, how to transform your life and many other aspects of spiritual awareness, then you have met the right person in your life at this point to help unviel many seemingly strange phenomena that can leave us trembling at the sheer idea that there are unseen energies at work around us permanantly. I have worked with spirit and been aware of various energies since I was 2 yrs old. I grew up in a house full of poltergeist activity, a strange and totally dysfunctional family to whom I am actually very grateful as they helped me become the person I am today. My work allows me to travel internationally and I work with both the living and the undead. I am a natural psychic, a healer, a traveler between worlds, and all that involves the understanding and respecting of different dimensions than the one we exist in right now. I would like to talk about the importance of cleansing our energies and how easy it is to pick up negative energies such as spirits who are lost in the astral realms. If you would like to know more then you are more than welcome to contact me and I can offer you free advice. I have a facebook page called Love Life & Miracles and you are more than welcome to visit me and many other like minded friends there. If you are having a few difficulties in coming to terms with the transformation of energies right now and need some helpful grounded advice, then I would love to hear from you. If you are new to spirit connection please remember it is as important to cleanse your energy field as it is to brush your teeth and shower, so first of all, shower yourself in love, live your life with purpose, and trust that your prayers are heard- and miracles really do happen.
Much love and blessings to whom ever and where ever you are. Patricia x
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