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Balance Procedure Talk
Hello my name is Alan and I am now in charge of running TBP following the sudden passing last year of my wife Jenny, we had been married 48 years, around 25 years ago Jenny started getting interested in things like meditation and spirituality. Overtime I was beginning to feel a little left behind although we were still very close and eventually I too started attending guided meditation workshops, drumming gong sessions and we both spent a week in Findhorn studying non violent communication and restorative justice. Quite a change for an ex publican and taxi driver although it does prove anyone can change, it was during this 10 year learning curve where we studied many energy modalities with my favourite being EFT. By now Jenny was getting quite a reputation especially with FHT and she was booked to do a series of workshops in EFT which meant both of us being flown to Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh as well as driving to further workshops in Birmingham, London and a few others. It was during these weekends when we started to put together TBP in fact the last couple of workshops was all about showing TBP. After the publication of the first book in 2008 we concentrated on TBP only up to the point we are at today,
I have over 50 trainers and many more practitioners who share my passion in bringing Balance to all, at the moment there is two trainings available first being TBP Beginners course which is the prerequisite for the Advanced course. Both these courses can be taken online with me or with one of my many Ambassadors all this information will be my new website shortly, however I really prefer the live workshops which sadly have dropped of due to the Covid years. If you or anyone you know has a venue and can attract around 5+ people I will gladly come back here and present a workshop.
I would now like to demonstrate TBP we use 9 symbol cards to get you into a state of Balance where you will feel calm, relaxed and positive whatever is happening in your lives, I will hand out one card from the 9 card pack and want you to place with either hand on the Center of your chest up here which is your higher heart chakra center we call your Balance Center, now hold the thought I want to feel calm, relaxed and positive You will feel your body move forward, back, left, right or even not move at all, don’t worry all this is quite natural. The thought you have put out is now being assimilated by your subconscious and sometimes the thought you put out will be resisted by your mind due to beliefs and memories you hold, I call these Shadow Memories. Most deep rooted beliefs hark back to childhood with things like little boys should be seen and not heard or criticism from teachers or parents or rejections from teams or favoured groups. Whatever the source of the shadow memories there is no doubt they run deep. You often here of inner child work, or past lives they are all referring to the same thing.
When using TBP as we are doing now some of the shadow memories are being stirred but instead of us trying to identify them we simply just Balance. Take a deep breath keep thinking of feeling calm, relaxed and positive now breathe out and think or say Balance a few times, saying Balance is our anchor word which anchors our intention to feel calm, relaxed and positive.
Hopefully you all start moving forward if you haven’t do the procedure a few more times, that is only one of nine cards and when you have your own cards and accompanying book and you follow the instructions, you will find by Balancing daily using all cards and you soon find being in Balance will become
a natural state for you.
You can then start to manifest the things you want in your life new job, your life partner, better relationships with family and friends but don’t forget you change you and this new you attracts all the above and much more. If you think of a time when you were very happy in love or newly promoted or getting fitter, losing weight and when you felt alive and engaged you often find good things keep coming your way. This is when you were naturally in Balance but just as truthfully when you feel depressed, anxious, fearful the opposite is true and you manifest all the things you don’t want, unfortunately the past few years has shown how being fearful can be so devastating.
That’s why I believe we need to get TBP out there to as many people as possible and to never allow ourselves to be that fearful again whatever is going on in the world.
I am selling my cards and accompanying book for 2 for the price of 1 and I hope when you start to feel yourself in a state of Balance you will want to share this with a friend so please gift your other book and cards and help spread the news, you could even both attend a Zoom Training with me together or better still organise a few friends and invite me along.
Alan Cox.
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