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I had seen a psychic surgeon work a few years ago and had had the message come through loud and clear in my head at the time that I could/would do that too. Another time I was watching a TV programme about a young girl being able to know what ailed people and she could see in her mind’s eye the problem, and I knew I wanted to be able to do that. Another time I remember saying out loud that I wanted to be able to look at people and just know what was wrong with them. So looking back on this I can see that spirit had this planned for me for a while and each year brought me closer to this goal. Perhaps they guided me to study the subjects that I did to help me have the experiences that I needed to make this work with them.
Then at a spiritual development group a new guide called Dr Al came to me, and he said he would teach me psychic surgery. Later on many other guides joined the team each with their specialities and different styles of working. This was not something that had been at the forefront of my mind to do but was a pleasant surprise. I had been practicing healing in many forms including Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy, and spiritual healing, and this new way of healing seemed to blend with them well.
I was very clear with my spiritual team that I would not be using instruments or pulling out blood and gore from peoples bodies and if they didn’t like my rules then they needed to find someone else to work with as I didn’t want to be locked up for not having a medical licence. I had read others experiences and decided that as its spiritual energy I was working with that I didn’t need to physically go into the body to make it happen. It seemed to me that it was more the patient that needed to see that happen to help them make the changes they needed to make and if that was the case then they would have to go to someone else for that. I just knew I could do it without the floor show.
I go into a trance but to me it’s just a light relaxation, I am guided to which person to work with if I am in a group situation, or it is a given if there is only one person with me, and am shown what part of the body of the person I am treating. I am shown the organ or part of the body and I just know why it is not working as well as it could. I am given guidance from whichever spirit is working with me at the time, sometimes several, as to what they need to do to help that person. I see what they show me, I hear what they tell me, I feel what they wish me to pass onto the client so as much information is passed on as possible. Often they give advice to that person on how to work with the imbalance further themselves after the treatment.
I might be with the team energetically working on the person at their side but physically I am sitting in a chair a few feet away from them while they relax on my couch, usually with their eyes closed so they can focus on what they are experiencing. Often they will say they felt a tug or a feeling and then I described what I could clairvoyantly see was happening so they felt it first and then heard it described that seems to help people know they didn’t make it up or image it.
Often during a session several topics are addressed and much information is passed to the client. After the treatment that might only last 15 minutes, we talk about what has happened and how it relates to the clients life and experiences. I don’t ask beforehand what the client’s health issues are but usually they relate directly with the persons own knowledge of what they felt was important to be addressed that day. Spirit will do what is for that persons highest good at the time. I think the treatment is so deep that it perhaps takes time for all the information to sink in and for it to be integrated into that persons’ life. Most of the work is done energetically and I am sure many people just change after a treatment but it’s hard to put your finger on what actually did what.
People tell me they feel more relaxed, or that they feel inspired afterwards, that discomfort they came with often goes or reduces, some are aware that they have been given much spiritual guidance that they can now work with. To me it’s like another step in their spiritual journey. There is no magic wand to make them better exactly but it’s a good boost in the right direction. There is so much involved with healing that it is not as simple as a quick fix. Karma, contracts, lifestyle, and lessons are all involved.
I feel sure those that come to me for a treatment are guided to come. Many sit there and say they don’t know what brought them to me or why they are here but then they are given the guidance that they need or the treatment relevant to them at that time and they go off with that next step. As they leave I really hope they take the guidance and make good use of it but then that is part of their journey whatever they do with it. I know that I am guided to do this work this way just now and am sure it will keep evolving as it needs to. I find it an absolute privilege to work with anyone who wishes to have a treatment.
Sally Pain
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