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Ghost on staircase
It seems that almost everyone you talk to has seen a ghost at sometime in their life.
Whether it’s full on face to face ghostly contact or just something black and shadowy glimpsed from the corner of the eye.
Ghosts are definitely a lot more common than you might think!
So what exactly are the tell tales signs that your own home is haunted?
1. Have you heard unexplained noises? The most commonly reported sounds in haunted homes are knocking, raps, footsteps, disembodied voices, bells ringing or children crying. Sometimes they are psychic echoes or attempts by the ghost/s in residence to grab your attention. At other times they are a replay of a scene that has taken place in the past.
2. Do objects move around of their own accord? Could you swear that you left a personal effect in a particular place and now it's gone? Some ghosts have a sense and humour and enjoy a joke at your expense. If this is something that happens on a regular basis it's probably not just your bad memory or someone else in the family moving it. It could be a being from another world.
3. Do you ever smell unusual or unexplained fragrances? Sometimes the odours can be quite unpleasant other times it’s almost as if an elegant lady wearing a beautiful floral perfume has wafted by. The spectral scent may linger as a supernatural reminder of a resident who lived there long ago.
4. Do animals behave strangely in any area of your home? Cats and dogs are well known for having a heightened perception of the spirit world. They could be seeing what you are unable to and reacting accordingly.
5. Is there a room in your home that always feels cold even if outside temperatures are soaring? Or is there a room where you never feel quite comfortable - as if you are being watched? Try investigating the history of your home; enquire from elderly neighbours - perhaps something unpleasant has happened there in the past.
6. Do you feel as you are not alone in your home, even though there is no one else home?
7. Have lights been seen in rooms that are unoccupied? If so, they could very well be occupied by a being from beyond!
Many noises, electrical faults and cold spots can easily be traced to natural causes. But in many cases they cannot.
So what do you do about it?
You might like to get someone from the church to bless the house this sometimes helps.
But some people however manage to live for years in complete harmony with ghosts.
As the saying goes "You have more to fear from the living than the dead"
copyright Linda Preston 2008
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