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Do you have the feeling that you've been on this Earth plan before? Do you relate to individuals or groups that you know as having old and young souls attached to them? What about people you dislike, often mentioning to others that they have the devil inside on them. Isn't it strange how we all pick up on the energy of people, even thou we can't see it.
I as a therapist, have many years experience dealing with life issues. But over the last few years most off my professional work as been related to spirit release and past life regression therapy.
You may ask what is spirit release therapy? Release therapy is whereby i take a place a client into hypnosis and enter the superconscious state. Once this state is achieved, which is very easy indeed to reach. We then ask your soul with the support and guidance of your spirit guide to notice, through feelings, visualisation, thought patterns. To see if you have any attached spirits to you soul. More often then not, these spirits are attached to a negative emotion. Once they our released to continue their own personal quest, then we can get on with your own past life issues. Because some therapists just go straight into past life work. But after many years experience, if you don't release the negative spirits, you maybe accessing their past life events, and not your own. Clearance is always recommended.
With you guide near you, we ask how many past lifes have you lived before. Then how many have a negative effect on the person you our today.... So for example if you've had 9 past life events, we then ask how many have a negative effect upon you. So if you reply 4. We then ask how many do you wish to go back too, to release the negative thoughts and emotions.
This is a wonderful experience, to bring down your spirit guide, release negtive souls. Allowing them their soul quest. Then healing any past life events that effect the person you are today.
If you require any information, please feel free to email me.
Carl Dourish
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