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Stopping Spiritual Attacks
When people contact me for psychic services, I’m never sure what is going to come up. A few months ago a lady, who felt that she was being attacked spiritually by a group of people, contacted me. I was able to confirm that this was true. At that point I felt what was most important was protecting this lady spiritually and, as a prayer warrior, going in and fighting against the negative forces using the Divine Light.
After the lady explained all that had been occurring for her, I asked her if I could do a prayer. She consented. At this point I began praying and could feel the negative forces coming at me. Holding my hands in front of me, I channeled the Divine Light Energy and could feel it pushing against the forces coming at this lady and me. I continued pushing and commanding that these spirits leave her alone until I felt them let go of me. I can do nothing by myself, but, with the power from The Divine and the Angels, many things can be accomplished. We forget that our true selves are our spirits, which inhabit our bodies. Afterwards, she was relaxed and calm at that point. I knew that many things had shifted for her. I sent her information to help her keep working on protecting herself.
She called again recently and told me that she did feel all of the attacks stop after my prayer work, but lately she felt the attacks once again. She was far more frightened this time than the last time we had spoken. The attacks had escalated. Sometimes when you remove negative energies they may come back because the person experiencing these attacks can unintentionally allow them back in by not continually surrounding themselves with spiritual protection.
This time she was not calm as she allowed fear to overwhelm her. I wanted to pray with her immediately, but she wanted to ask questions about the people who were causing the spiritual attacks. After 30 minutes I told her that I could keep answering questions for twenty hours, but, unless I spiritually do the work fighting these things, there will not be any turn around for her. She then allowed me to pray, but only briefly and then again she continued asking more questions. She did not receive the prayer. I trust that the work I did will be successful. My instincts say that this lady is allowing these attacks, and she is running in fear instead of standing still and letting The Divine protection take over. She actually prefers the dark spirits and the attention it can bring her by contacting people such as me (psychic medium). In reality she does not want the help that is there for her from the Divine Spirit.
The power of the Divine Creator and the Angels is more powerful than any negative forces. It is learning and remembering to call upon the Divine Light and keeping it around you as it repels negative energies.
As humans we tend to forget that we are really spirits inside this vehicle called our body, and we forget about where we truly come from-Spirit. When this becomes a realization for you, your life will change considerably. Remembering that everything comes from Spirit can help you through the most difficult times. Calling upon Divine protection is one of the most important things you can do in your daily life.
To learn how to protect yourselves spiritually, please read my articles: “Using God’s White Light” and “Spiritual Vampires.” For further help contact me privately.
Spiritual attacks can be stopped by the power and majesty of the Divine Creator!
Romans: Chapter 12 Verse 21 “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”
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