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It is a mistake to attempt to name or label the one who is your Master. These Elder Brethren of the human race have withdrawn from the outer life to the silent places above the Earth.* Whilst there are certain members of the Great Brotherhood who use physical bodies for the purpose of their work, there are others who work in the beyond, and only men and women who have developed a like beauty of character and love in their souls will be able to recognise any one of these, our Elder Brethren.**
Remember this: You will find your Master first in the secret chamber within your own heart, and when you have found him-her there, you will know the voice of your Master, and he-she will reveal the way you should treat your brother and your sister on Earth; how you should act in certain circumstances in your life.
If your Master's ideal in your heart makes you unwilling to stoop to the low and the mean and the petty, particularly in the things unseen or unknown; if you can act always as though your Master is by your side, and do what you feel would be your Master's Way; then you are nearing the meeting-place, and will meet him or her face to face on Earth. But you must know the Master within first; you must know him-her in this way before you can hope to recognise your Master manifested in a physical body. Yes! Masters are walking the streets of your cities, and you will find them, if you seek.
Be at Peace, and seek, every moment of your life, the presentation of your Master. He or she may have spoken through some uninteresting man or woman you know! Masters do not blazon their qualities or advertise themselves. Seek and ye shall find: knock and the door shall be opened unto you!
Contact with those whom you call 'Master' is not often made on the astral plane, and there can be a misrepresentation of the Masters from that astral plane. So it is necessary to train yourselves to become en rapport with the Higher Mental Plane (which is above the astral), because it is at this level that you will in time come face-to-face with the Elder Brethren. You have to train yourselves first of all through Meditation. We put Meditation first for the reason that as you learn to Meditate, you are learning to raise your consciousness above the astral plane to the higher mental. True Meditation takes place on the higher mental plane, and as you practice meditation you become more and more able to fix your consciousness upon the plane and to distinguish it from the confusion of the astral.
Even so, how can you be sure that you are reaching that higher mental plane? Well, Jesus gave you the key when he said: 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' One striking quality of the message coming from a high source is that of humility. You will never find a true teacher making big claims. A true teacher will understate rather than overstate. True teachers will be very careful about what they say, and you will always notice a quality of love, humility, gentleness, in their conversation.
Do you think that if some Master or one of the Elder Brethren spoke to you you in a public place, or sat beside you in a public vehicle, you would recognise them? In all probability, no. You see the desirability and the need to develop a quality which will enable you to recognise a Master? We would have you realise that you have within yourself a centre of Light and Power; and you know within you lies the opportunity to grow in spirit, to grow in stature until you, too, become as the Master, for did he not say, ''What I do, you will do also?'' We would hold this ideal ever before you.
It is difficult for anyone on Earth to say he or she is a Master. However, you have to attain the level of Mastership through physical life. This is why we come back to try and help you reach understanding. Never make the excuse that you can't do it, or that your time has not come, or that it's all very well in the remote future. Keep this ideal before you.
This path is YOUR path! And they who come to minister to you come with love and patience. Do not be cast down. It is good to recognise your shortcomings, for humility is a true companion of the aspirant on the path. Keep your feet on the earth, but lift your faces towards the heavens, for the light which floods into you from on high will steady your feet and guide them in the right path. Have confidence in this divine nebulous force that you do not understand and which you feel is very distant. This divine fire is within your very being, and as you raise your face to the Sun, the rays of the Sun stimulate this individual spark.
A beautiful and wonderful future awaits you all. You are all laying the foundations of that good, wholesome and happy future which we see is coming to humanity. Look around; and whenever you see some good impulse, some good impetus from a person, do not immediately say, 'I wonder what is at the back of it'. Hold fast to the good. 'Am I my brothers keeper?' says your Bible. Yes, indeed! We are all our brother's keepers whether still in the spirit life or on the Earth. Many, many people are being pushed downhill by the 'good intentions' of the so-called 'good'. Too often self righteous good intentions have caused bloodshed and brought suffering to humanity and also to the animal world. Truly good intentions come only from the simple, trusting, faithful heart.
Would that we could find words with which to describe the glory of the form of the Master Soul. We can give you perhaps an inkling of that glory by describing the form as appearing like a jewel. Now, think of a jewel casket; then open your casket, and lying upon a soft cushion see a golden jewel flashing like fire, dazzlingly beautiful. Rays from this jewel go in all directions. From this ideal try to get some idea of the glory of a Master Soul. Keep this ideal ever before you, remembering that you, in spite of your limitations and failures, are created to become that glorious jewel - some day. For as bulbs grow in the dark soil and eventually raises its head to the sunlight - a beautiful flower - so every human soul contains within its being potential qualities of becoming a Master Soul - a perfect Jewel.
A group of pilgrims were searching for a Master, one who was said to have great wisdom, one who would help them to find heaven. In due course, after a long and troublesome journey, they found themselves before a cave in the mountainside, in which the one who was said to be a Master was seated in Meditation. After a time of preparation, they were invited to enter the presence of the holy man. He remained in Meditation as they entered - no word was spoken. But when they were seated, he raised his face; and they saw shining, not only from his face, but from his whole being; a glorious light which penetrated their own beings, until they felt that their bodies and the very clothing they wore were alight, blazing even as the light which they saw in the Master's aura. They absorbed his beauty, and were bathed in the glory of the heavenly Light.
This is a simple illustration of what it is expected that you, individually, will give to humankind as you unfold. It is hoped that one day you will become so impregnated with the holiness and love of the Master that you will carry His-Her gentleness and Love out into the world. Is it asking too much? It is difficult for you, we know, for the world may appear cruel and hard, but it is peopled with a suffering humanity, and those who appear cruel and hard, as you would describe them, are truly in need of the light which you can carry them. Not only are you a vessel of light, even as a little lamp on the altar, but you may relight the lamp of your brother, your sister.
* The 'silent places' we believe here refers to certain retreats in the Mountains throughout the world and Ashrams away from the 'hustle and bustle' of so-called civilisation. However, since this communication the Elder Brethren have indeed moved closer to 'civilisation' as directed by higher intelligences.
** White Eagle refers here to Masters who operate on the Higher Mental Realms of Earth, as well as to those who use 'base physical bodies' in their work on this level of existence.
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