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The chaos in the world at this time is surely indicative of the chaos within the souls and spirits of men and women. People today are living under such tension, stress, frustration and anger that all this is inevitably projected out into the environment and this then spreads like a falling domino effect, in a sense poisoning the very atmosphere of our world. Does this sound to melodramatic, to ridiculous? In actual fact this is precisely what is happening; thoughts are very powerful and many people everywhere are realizing this. Indeed, the science of physics has proven that individuals with a extremely strong mental capacity are able even to move small objects through mind projection. So, an individual filled with hatred and anger projects this into the atmosphere even though he is unaware of this. To one who has the gift of spiritual sight , to see all this poisonous energy, must surely be very distressing. Perhaps it is just as well that the majority of people are not able to see this negative energy. On the other hand perhaps if they were able to see it this would hopefully cause them to pause and take stock before allowing themselves to let anger and hatred consume them.
Regardless of all this outer turbulence, this chaos, mankind is definitely on a upward spiral to a greater and higher destiny. The very fact that we are now in the age of Aquarius, the age of the coming spiritual man, points to, and is indicative of this coming higher destiny as symbolised by the figure of a man pouring out the waters of renewed life from a large water container.
According to astronomy man and the Earth officially entered the Aquarian era in 1975 so in terms of a physical time span of 42 years this is absolutely minute when measured against the period of a astronomical age or dispensation which is 2,160 years. Therefore some 4,100 years still lies ahead before the next age beckons and hopefully by then the whole of mankind will have become truly spiritualized , well let us say, the majority at least since many souls are very slow learners in terms of spiritual evolution.
So we have therefore this incredible, magnificent and wondrous period lying ahead of mankind, what has been called a golden age totally free of war, hatred, corruption and oppression, of disease, grinding poverty, crime, and hopefully as well the evils of class distinction, of separatism. Let us also remember that as mankind evolves so to does our planet which is also a living, breathing entity ensouled by a very great spirit being known as the spirit of the Earth. Let us also not forget that there are other great spiritual Masters living in physical bodies on Earth whose wisdom, love and power influences also the evolution of Earth and humanity towards a higher and more noble purpose. So it is that this new world order of light and brotherhood grows and grows and its full attainment is very certain. The subtle and devious workings of the dark forces cannot alter what is to come since the supernal light of the master of the universe is and always will be the greater. I have no doubt that as mankind approaches the height of this Aquarian age vast numbers will awaken to the sublime realization that they are inwardly, cosmic entities, children of the sun, of so very ancient heritage, of so very ancient lineage, for our very beings were spun in its fiery crucible millions of years ago by the great Lords of our sun. I can only but end off with some magnificent words written by someone named
F C Happold.
"A wind has blown across the world,
and tremors shake its frame.
New things are struggling to their birth
and nought shall be the same.
The Earth is weary of its past
of folly, hate and fear.
Beyond the dark and stormy sky
the dawn of God is near.
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