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Chrissie Batten
, Spiritual Counsellor
, Reiki Master/Teacher,
There Is Life After Breakdown!
Life is glorious, life is magical, but life is so bloody hard at times, I’m amazed that so many of us survive for as long as we do. The human body is a miracle, in that something so fragile as our skin, organs and bones can withstand so much pain and trauma, yet we still live, we still breathe, we still survive – somehow!
But when our mind becomes broken, our world stops. And as we enter what I can only describe through personal experience, as the hell of insanity, instead of us being in control of our mind, our desperate, destructive thoughts compel us to take action that can harm us or others, because it, our negative personality, has taken control of us!
And even though we still breathe and survive, we stop living for a time, until we regain our sense of self, and can start to rebuild our confidence enough to start living our life again. But even then, we are so scared by what’s happened to us, and afraid that it might happen again, we can if we’re not careful, teeter anxiously on the verge of insanity for the rest of our lives!
Many people are living on the edge of the proverbial cliff at the moment, due to the political and financial climate that affects us all in some way. This means most of us are under extra stress. And whilst most people cope with their situation and how they are feeling, there are many who don’t! People of all ages whose thoughts and emotions juxtaposition themselves into a crisis that cannot be contained within their over-filled anxious mind, and where lack of control over their life and their self creates an emotional or mental breakdown that can take months, or even years to recover from.
You don’t have to be weak to have a breakdown. You can be strong and resilient. You can be resourceful and energetic. You could be positive and have good intentions – but when that overload occurs, none of this seems to be enough to withstand the torrent of negativity that surfaces, as a consequence of repressed emotion, depression and anxiety, that leads to breakdown.
There are many causes of breakdown, including basic things like too much stress, boredom, emotional disturbance caused by addictive dependencies etc. In fact anything that creates what we perceive as an irresolvable problem for us, makes us susceptible to breakdown. Because as we struggle to work it out, and can’t, we focus our creative mind on impossibilities that create a spiralling energy, that can overwhelm and debilitate us even more, eventually tipping the balance that allows our negative mind to gain overall control of our sense of logic – because we’re too tired to fight our thoughts any more!
Another cause of breakdown is when we seek entry into the spiritual realms, where our vulnerable consciousness is unprepared for the force of negative energy that we expose ourselves to, when we open our mind to the unknown spiritual forces that exist.
And whilst in any breakdown, the negative mind will do it’s utmost to keep us paralysed in fear, until we become strong enough to challenge it once more and regain control. Spiritually induced breakdown is different, in that our negative thoughts and visions may just be true on a different dimensional level, and what we witness real. Where trying to survive our extreme terror, as we strive to define true reality, causes us our biggest problems!
As we recover from breakdown, it’s normal to wonder if life will ever return to normal. Our traumatised self doesn’t find it easy any more to do simple tasks, to plan simple things in advance, to do simple things that bring us pleasure. But this doesn’t mean that life cannot or will not be good in the future. It just means that somehow we have to find a different way to live life, to look after ourself. And identify a better way to manage who we are and what we do.
This journey is a process, that can take a long time. Because it involves walking a path of stepping-stones that lead us on slowly but surely to the next stage of our life. Where as our mind, confidence and emotions heal themselves, just like our broken bones do, we can if we look hard and long enough, find the true purpose for our existence, that can allow us accept that our suffering has been worthwhile!
If you are having problems coping, please consider seeking help. As often, when we are overwhelmed by worry, others can see what we can't.
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