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Swami Aaron
March 09, 2011
Analyze your analysis and spiritual understanding
All human and other beings are knowingly or unknowingly proceeding on the path of spirituality. Some people are drifting, some are moving, some are running fast making quantum jumps and a few have reached the destination, for them the spiritual peregrination has come to end. Now they have nowhere to go, they have got merged to the super-consciousness.
Though, majority of us are drifting very slowly on the journey of evolution, but, are unconscious, hence, they are not aware of their grand journey to the infinite. Evolution is a process of expansion of our intellectual matrix. More evolved a person is, bigger is his/her matrix. As our matrix keeps expanding and we keep evolving in our consciousness, we keep moving from understanding of relative truth to the realization of Absolute Truth. In localized matrix of space-time continuum, our understanding is small and relative within the frame work of limited factors present in our matrix; and when our matrix expands to the maximum possible extent of expansion in such a way that it accommodates the entire manifested and un-manifested existence within, in that matrix we realize the Absolute Truth.
There are two ways of expansion of our matrix - from outside as well as from inside. Expanding our matrix of investigation and understanding from outside is the way of science; while expanding one matrix of direct realization from within is the path of spirituality. Now try to understand two terms – direct perception and indirect perception. When we perceive something in terms of verbal language, as we do most of the time, it is indirect perception.
All scientific studies and investigation leads us to have the indirect perception of the relative truth. When a newly born child feels hunger and starts crying, s/he does not know anything of our worldly language, but s/he still have the perception of hunger, it is direct perception of reality. Real and right pursuit of spirituality bestows a direct perception of Absolute Truth to us. Scientific investigation takes place through the instrument of mind, logic and intellect; while spiritual realization takes place through the instrument of consciousness.
The word consciousness has different meaning to physical scientist and meta-physical scientist. By the word ‘Consciousness’, physical scientists mean the ability of cognition and thinking; while by the word ‘consciousness’, spiritualist mean totally different. In spiritual terms what exactly is the meaning of consciousness, for that please read my article titled “What is consciousness?”
Most of the seekers try to proceed on the path of spirituality through indirect perception i.e. reading spiritual literature, listening the discourses of Guru, having discussions on spirituality as we do here; but, all these are just like we have never seen a flower, we have never smelled its fragrance and we are trying to know about its beauty and fragrance through discussions.
That way, beauty and fragrance of flower can never be known, however much we organize seminars on this subject and set-up committee to give its report about the beauty and fragrance of flowers. Unless and until, we open our eyes and smell its fragrance through our nostril, we realize it directly through having direct perception of it, we can understand the beauty and fragrance of a flower. Most of us are doing the same thing about our realization of God. God can never be realized through our verbal exercise. We all keep talking about God day and night, but let us ask very crudely and honestly from ourselves – Have we ever had the direct perception of God?
Before we answer this question, let us understand three words - Belief, Hypnotic feeling and Actual realization. Belief is just like borrowing information from our surrounding and imposing these information on our mind without taking pain of going in its investigation. This is what most of us do and all we claim to be spiritual experts he basis of these information. No, we are just like priest and pundits who are very mechanical in their religious activities. Hypnotic feeling is having perception of relative truth when our matrix is small and space is still left for our matrix to expand further with more and more factors to be incorporated in the present matrix.
Since, our perception is based on a few limited factors, hence we have not got complete picture of the reality; and our perception and understanding of truth is limited and shallow. In this state of hypnotic feeling, we opine of knowing the truth; but the fact is, our understanding is still to mature and evolve. In this state of hypnotic feeling our knowledge of truth is nothing, but bundle of assumptions and egoistically we claim our assumption as knowing the truth. Let us have some examples to understand the reality of hypnotic feeling.
We all are of the view that God has created this existence. Let us consider it true just to proceed in our investigation and understanding of hypnotic feeling. If God, or some power someone sitting in the sky, has created this world, including all creatures, then, what does it mean? It means before he or she started the process of creation, just God was there, nothing else was there except God before the process of creation God had started. Right? So, from where he/she must have brought the materiality required to create this world? He/she must have brought it from his/her own existence. Right? If, this is right, then we all are the part of the existence of God; means we all are partially God, the God as you view and think of. And, when we are partial God, then why and how do we kill others, why and how do we rape a helpless woman? Why do we have hatred and jealousy for each other? Be honest to yourself. Do you really think from the bottom of your heart that you are God, if not completely, then partially at least? Answer this honestly to yourself. If no, you don’t feel that divinity in yourself, then why do you subscribe to the view that God has created each and every thing?
You believe God creates and sustains everyone, then, why so many people die of hunger, why so many people are forced to live a wretched life? If, you are of view God is very kind to all, then, why is mass of our population subject to exploitation, affliction and misery? Some people put useless arguments that since we commit sin, so we face these adversities. Why do we happen to commit sin, despite being the so called partial God? Just think, think and think profoundly about this. Be honest at least to yourself. If you fail to answer this vital question, at least admit that you don’t have any answer. But, most of us remain rigid to our blind belief; this is the hypnotic feeling.
Third is Actual Realization of Absolute Truth. Actual realization of Absolute Truth is possible only through direct perception by stepping into the realm of Super-consciousness. As I told you, Actual realization of Absolute Truth can be had only through direct perception of the Absolute Truth, so any discussion about it is useless, until you have realized it directly. But you can’t realize it just by listening the discourses of a Guru, or, showing incense sticks to the statue of your created God. You will have to do some experiments yourself. A Guru can tell you only what experiments you need to do in order to have the actual realization of Absolute Truth. Be aware, if any Guru gives you readymade knowledge of it – it will be just like telling a blind man about the colour of a flower. So, the description by a Guru about God will not help you and unfortunately day and night this is what is happening around us. If you are really interested to know about the experiments through which you can venture into direct realization of Absolute Truth i.e. God, the please write to me.
Thank You.
Swami Aaron, MBA
[email protected],
Author of:
• A Date with God
• In Love with All Beautiful Women
• On the Wings of the Self
• The Journey of Speaking Silence
• Dancing on the Last Threshold of the Universe
• Beyond the Beyond
• Quantum Jump into God
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