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Swami Aaron
How to realize the Absolute Truth
There is a golden principle of the existence – things happen as it should happen in the existence. Whatever happens in the existence, for that there are some factors available in that matrix and those factors manifest themselves in the form of that happening. When we say – it should not happen that way, then, we are present in a different matrix and the incidence happens in a different matrix. So, making any comment being in a different matrix about an incidence happening in a different matrix does not make any sense. ‘Should’ is a relative word used for a comparative frame of reference. Within a matrix whatever happens, that is bound to happen so because of the factors present in that reference framework. For our opinion to be meaningful, it is essential that we must change either of two frames of references- either the matrix in which the incidence happens or the matrix in which we are present.
For evolution to take place it is important that the matrix must expand in order to accommodate more and more new factors within the matrix, so that those new as well as the old factors manifests themselves in a new way. Depending upon the size of the matrix, we define the relative reality or the absolute reality, or the virtual reality or the actual reality. The reality apparent in the smaller matrix is the relative reality for other matrix; though, it may appear an absolute reality for that particular matrix. The reality apparent in the smaller matrix may be the virtual reality for another matrix; while the same may be the absolute reality for that particular matrix.
So, ultimately what is that which we call an absolute truth? When we expand our matrix to such highest possible extent that beyond which no expansion is possible at all, in this vastest possible matrix whatever happens that is the manifestation of the absolute truth. Now, the question is how to proceed to the vastest possible matrix in order to reach the absolute truth. All material matrices are in-fact localized events in the space time continuum. So, all material matrices are always limited matrices confined to a particular space and time frame. The material matrices are nothing, but, the world in which we are living presently. Since these material matrices are limited and confined to a localized space time continuum, so these matrices can never lead us to the absolute truth. As far as our own present existence is concerned, our body-mind system, to a larger extent, is the reflection of materiality. So, does that mean – we can never realize the absolute truth? No, it is very much possible. It is possible through consciousness. Consciousness is a non material phenomenon from which the whole material existence originates. Consciousness is infinite, pervading everywhere, beyond the space-time-continuum. As explained earlier, we need to go to the vastest possible matrix in order to realize the absolute truth. So we need to delve in the shuttle field of Super-consciousness. When are established in the field of super-consciousness, we are in the vastest possible matrix of the existence. And, in this matrix whatever we realize, that is the absolute truth. This is the Godly realization. God is nothing, but the infinite field of the Super-consciousness. And, whatever is manifested in this Godly field, that is the field of super-consciousness; that is the absolute truth. All evolutions come to the rest when we evolve to this field of super-consciousness.
All truths of the material existence are relative truth, and they are bound to disappear in zero, they are bound to get engulfed by the demon of time, they are bond to get annihilated into nothingness. So evolving to the vastest possible infinite matrix of the super-consciousness in order to realize the absolute is the ultimate destination of all evolutions.
Thank You.
Swami Aaron
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Author of:
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