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We are all connected to a healing energy within ourselves. We are all connected to universal energy around us as we are all connected to the universe itself. We are all connected to spiritual energy. These connections are not given by a Reiki Master when you train, they are already there. A Reiki Master deepens the connection by empowerments and attunements. We are Reiki. We all have the power within us to be spiritual beings, to be the light, to be healing energy, to be empowered earthly and spiritual.
It is fine to say that I do Reiki for myself and for other people. It is fine to say that I am going to be Reiki for you. It is fine to say that I use Reiki energy. It is fine to say that I give Reiki. It is fine to say that I share Reiki. It is fine to say that we are Reiki. I help people to gain their spiritual awareness. I help people to understand their connection to a healing energy. I help people to understand their connection to a univer
sal energy and a spiritual energy. There is not one saying that is better than the other. There is not one expression to use that must be used by everyone.
Let us use our connection to Reiki to bring people together not divide by the words we use to describe our connection. What, how we do, be, use, connect, utilise, the energy for ourselves and other people not as important as that we are able to have this, that we are able to know this, and bring this understanding to other people. We are able to share this with other people. There is a natural healing energy. There is a natural universal energy. There is a natural method of healing. There is a natural way to heal. There is a natural way to help ourselves and other people to heal. There is a natural way to help ourselves and others in our and their spiritual path. There is a natural way to do this that does not divide us as human beings, but brings us closer together as human beings.
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