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Primary Terrestrial
Mental Channel
The following Cosmic Transmission was delivered on December 15th, 1956 at the Caxton Hall, London, England, before a public audience through Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel.
Mars Sector 6
''This is Mars....Sector 6 reporting from Satellite No. 3, now in Magnetization Orbit around Terra during short Magnetization Period in present Earth-year 1956. Subject: Man his own illuminator.
It was not meant by the real Controllers of the initial life manifestation upon Terra that terrestrial man should have sunk so low, should have brought about such a sequence of deterioration, but, alas, this has happened. However, that self-same man, radiant as a veritable Spark and Spirit of God Itself, can rise from his present state into a state predetermined by the Higher Aspects of man itself. True man is, as you no doubt know, a tri-sexual being, neither female nor male nor even son, yet the three of them! True man is capable of creation from Itself. True man is capable of that journey deep within and using the results of complete knowledge of the power thus contacted. These, oh my brothers on Earth, are your true potentialities. These are the potentialities which can be brought into active manifestation.
How can this be done? The answer is simple. The answer is obvious.
Where, oh brothers of Earth, there is a Will, so also in that place there is the way. Virtually, a terrestrial man has many aspects of Will. There is the Mento-Physical Will, the Mento-Psychic Will, the Psycho-Spiritual Will. Man upon Earth must learn to govern the Mento-Physical Will by the outpouring of the radiant energy latent within the Spirit - God Spark - and so exert the true pressure of his control through the Psycho-Spiritual Will. Indeed, when terrestrial man is able to do this thing, no longer will Terra be needed, for then will he have brought about his own Initiation from this Planet. He will rise then in that hour, as one Ascended up to a Higher Sphere of total existence. This is the true purpose of the countless experiences which together formulate that thing which terrestrial man cares to regard as - LIFE. Success through this journey is solely dependent upon the total experience gained from and through those experiences themselves.
All Life is the same. There is no difference between the life which gives me volition and the life which gives movement to you. The life itself is exactly the same; was created in the same way. The difference, though, is virtually the difference between gain brought about through experience itself. That is why, at this very moment, we are in that position which allows us to impregnate Terra with magnetic energy. This magnetic power, if absorbed, will heighten your awareness so that a conscious awareness may be brought about. A conscious awareness governed by the Mento-Physical Will, and yet impregnated with that silent, immovable, immobile controller - the Psycho-Spiritual Will.
Reach upwards, oh my brothers, this power but awaits your command. Reach upwards, oh my brothers, this power but awaits your Spiritual Actions. It is for all of you. Indeed, then, when you can reach to these heights, you become your own Illuminator and your own Illumination.
This is not a lecture expounding theory but the advice and invitation to the very core of Action itself. Aetherius, as you call Him, has asked you many times to pass from the kindergarden of theory into the senior school of Practice. Virtually, my expression invites you to do this thing. Irrespective of the detrimental criticism we receive from certain unbelievers upon the surface of your Planet - irrespective of the criticism which you yourselves will also have - go on and, dear friends, the very ones who this moment do criticize will be those who will follow.
This Transmission came from Mars.....Sector 6, now operating the Space Station known as Satellite No.3, during a Magnetization Period in the year 1956. Discontinued.''
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