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In his third book, 'The Flying Saucer Conspiracy', first published in 1955, Major Donald E. Keyhoe mentions a high-level covert organisation dubbed 'the silence group' as being responsible for the continuing secrecy surrounding UFO's and extraterrestrial visitations.
On September 15th, 1956, a western Master of Yogi, Dr. George King, the late Founder/President of the Aetherius Society, delivered a Cosmic Transmission from an Extraterrestrial Intelligence, codenamed - Mars Sector 6, to a public audience at the Caxton Hall, London, England. Here is an excerpt:
''This is Mars Sector 6, reporting. Subject - The Conspiracy.
There are more of our vehicles being seen at the moment around Terra than ever before, and yet fewer reports are reaching the press. This is because of a conspiracy to deny our existence. Dear friends, do not let the conspirators be successful. You talk upon Terra about the Silence Group. It does exist. The Silence Group - what is it? I will tell you beyond all doubt. It is run by the great financial organisations - organisations that move countries - organisations which cause conflict between one country and another, so that war may result. So that their profit may be great indeed. Organisations which have sworn to rule Terra with an iron hand. They cannot do it openly. How can they do it? There is only one way. That is by playing one faction off against another and causing internal strife between the two.
The Silence Group does exist.
It is like some insidious monster in your midst, working by day and night. The Mental Channel that I use at the moment was approached and his permission gained before these statements were made public, because of the danger in which he would be. However, he, like ourselves, saw fit that the revelation of this knowledge should take place.
The dark forces upon your Earth are highly organised. It is the forces of Light which are not organised by the ordinary man. One religious body is at loggerheads with another, and yet all black magic ritual is synchronised so that a predetermined and specific result may be brought about. Your religions are split. Where is the synchronisation? It does not exist. You have certain religious factors saying to the congregation, 'You may not attend any other church.' You have other religious factors saying that their sister religions are useless because they only believe so and so and not this and that. Where is the synchronisation there? It does not exist. Yet all the time the insidious monster is working among you, fostering this mental break, fostering this psychic break between religion and religion.
The most difficult people upon Earth for us to approach, either directly or indirectly by impression, are some of the most ardent church goers. We are not inferring that there is anything wrong with this going to church - it is a wonderful thing - but, please, we would ask you people who do so to try to bring about an understanding in your church with all the other churches. Walk in front of a Master and he will tell you beyond doubt that you must study the whole of philosophy to know anything about a part of it. Certain Matters upon Earth are saying this at this moment, and yet certain so-called teachers in the West will not have anything to do, from an official point of view, with Eastern Thought and Philosophy. Don't you see, that is the break! Don't you see why these things are going on? The insidious monster works slowly, coolly and with calculation, to bring about the result of terrestrial dictatorship. Spiritual Power - and that ONLY - can stop the workings of this foul octopus in your midst.
Yes, certainly, certain factors from Mars and Venus wish to speak, not only to the people of Los Angeles but to the people of London and the people of New York, to the people of Sydney, to the people of Moscow, but we know that at the moment the authorities would turn our request down.''
(Source: Cosmic Voice Volume 2., p37-37)
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