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‘Mitakuye Oyasin’ Is a traditional term used by the native American Indians, specifically the Lakota. In translation it means (All are related) In essence It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness held by the Lakota people.. For the Lakota It is a prayer of acknowledgment of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys.
To many this might seem like a fanciful idea, a quaint but childish misconception but as we begin to investigate in a logical and
methodical way we might begin to change our minds.
Science is changing rapidly. The outmoded Newtonian science of the 17th century is giving way to the new science known as Quantum physics and they are beginning to make some startling discoveries. Things within the scientific communities began to change rapidly in the early part of the 19th century. The Russians invented a form of photography known as Kirlean photography, whilst almost simultaneously here in Britain a man called Walter John Kilner invented a device which could photograph the aura or more correctly termed energy field of an individual. This Energy field did not only exist around human beings but Animals, birds, plants, trees, in fact all living things. Including seemingly inanimate objects such as rocks and crystals.
The same electrical field principle applies live sheathed electrical cable, it emits a measurable field which extends beyond its outer sheathing. This would perhaps explain why in early Christian art depicting the saints we would see halos around the head neck and shoulders This suggests that much has been known about this phenomena for some time. It is only now that scientists through their use of modern equipment are becoming aware of it.
We all feel it don’t we? though we might not be able to see it we can certainly sense it . For instance we may walk in to a room after an argument has taken place and we know instinctively because we can feel it. The atmosphere has changed, it is real, and it is tangible.
Many of us when in contact with people we have never met instinctively feel either good or bad vibes about them. Sometimes we can’t get far enough away from a person and with other individuals the opposite may be true… the law of attract and repel. But really what are we becoming aware of? We are becoming aware of the fact that we exist beyond the material confines of our physical bodies…
Through experimentation many people have learned that the boundaries of that energy field is limitless… There are exercises one can use to strengthen and heighten that faculty it is quite simply extending the range of our awareness by becoming more sensitive… the subtle undercurrents are always there but generally many of us are too preoccupied to take any notice… it is like listening to a quiet whisper…. The more we listen the more we hear.
Another example of this phenomena is as I am sure you are aware, because we all have experienced it, is when we think of a person then they ring or turn up at the door. Or we could be walking down the road when something instinctively make us turn around or look up and we catch some one looking at us from a window or the same phenomena can occur in a crowded room. We now know this is because a part of that persons energy has extended out and impinged or touch our own energy field. Think about the miracle of the atom….
A Nucleus surrounded by protons and neutrons as if in orbit around a central sun like particle. What holds it there? Invisible forces, there is a relationship which exists between those particles… look up at the night sky, envisage our world held in orbit along with other planets around our Sun… what holds them in position, it is the same, a relationship exists between all these seemingly isolated individual components.
As human beings we have been have mistakenly led to believe that we are all isolated insular and alone when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. I guess if people are lead to believe that they will become more insecure thereby making them more easily led by others. Human beings sadly have a history of exploiting each other and the divide and rule concept is not a new one in the world of economics…
There is now a shift occurring, people are waking up, they putting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back together. There is a great shift occurring.
Spiritualists are a group of such people though they are by no means the only ones. Spiritualist, in essence are a group of like minded individuals who have arrived at the same conclusions and are gathering together for mutual support and help in a world that is seemingly hostile to anyone who thinks differently or outside of the box It is an umbrella movement, a safe port in the storm and a blessing for many people. It is an organisation which gives support and guidance and facilitates a structured and safe environment in which one can naturally extend their knowledge, and awareness through practice.
So many people have and are still discovering who and what they really are… That is, that we are not just biological organism, or an accident of nature but that we exist primarily as an energy being which temporarily inhabits a physical vessel in which to experience this physical dimension… wow that is a fantastic concept isn't it? Yes it is but also a true one… we do not only exist within the physical frame work of the physical body, but in fact we exist outside and beyond it, and in realizing this we must also conclude that we are all some how connected to one another in this energy soup. Not just human beings, but animals, birds minerals, our environment, our moon and indeed all the heavenly bodies in our solar system and beyond. They are all in a relationship. So too are our ancestors who perceive as having departed this physical sphere. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have never been or never will be separate from us and are very much alive and well and living on in worlds beyond our own… What a wonderful thing to know… so I say to you with absolute sincerity and certainty ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’ All are related… perhaps we should all remember that more often.
Wishing you all a new year full of wonder and Joy.
Nick, Guides and helpers.
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