Spiritual Medium John Norton’s work was inspired by the Spirit of Anthony after he appeared to him in an evening circle meeting. At the time the room was filled with a bright glowing light and four of the other six people in the room could see him. All those present reported sensing distinct temperature changes and when John became too agitated to continue speaking (apparently John began to tremble uncontrollably) the circle leader took over relaying what the Spirit of Anthony had to say.
Some time before that John had attended a healing workshop with a remarkable spiritual healer and teacher who made him aware for the first time of Source energy and who paved the way for Spirit of Anthony to take John on countless meditative journeys through the workings of the cosmos and exploring the spiritual nature of humankind (and introduced him to the amazing Chinese doctor who did MRI scans – more about him another time).
During this period John and his wife Gill steeped themselves in spiritual work, training in counselling with a national charity and attending Spiritualist churches. They also worked with the Institute of Spiritualist Mediums (ISM) where they later helped run the Basildon branch. They were heavily involved in spiritual development work at ISM and with other groups and sat in weekly development circles with experienced mediums and attended workshops locally and at the Spiritualists National Union at Stansted Hall in Essex.
The Spirit of Anthony (now identified as Spirit Guardian to John) eventually made it clear that they were to set up an independent centre to welcome all who wanted to explore their natural spirituality. For the next seven years they ran regular Spiritworks meetings at Westcliff on Sea (later Thundersley) and John & Gill met and worked with more than six thousand people!
When asked about the teachings of the Spirit of Anthony during the middle years of Spiritworks John said: “We aim to light a pathway to personal empowerment. Lots of people are looking for truth, for an underlying meaning to life. That truth will be found in a realisation that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. These are times of extraordinary change and it is important for as many people as possible to get in touch with their Soul Self, their true spiritual identity. We need to express that creative energy in our lives and connect with the Source energy. Spirit of Anthony says that each person manifests Soul on earth so we need to put ourselves into a creative rather than destructive mindset to express that Soul self. There is a great need to restore balance between Humankind and the Earth, to restore a sense of the sacred. Those energies were placed within Earth by messengers of the Source, the Creator, so that humankind might develop and contribute to evolution. Everything we do is motivated by that principle.”
Although now retired from spiritual practice (dealing with health problems) and a long way from his native Essex, John continues to offer the teachings of the Spirit of Anthony in whatever form he can.
Follow the teachings if Anthony below:
My Articles
Tue,23 Feb 2010
When Spirit of Anthony first inspired me to work as a medium I was still struggling with my technique and needed practice. Like most mediums that I know I considered myself always in development, an o...Read More
Tue,16 Feb 2010
The Other Way Around, A Spiritual View - John Norton
So many times over the years my spirit guardian ‘The Spirit of Anthony’, who inspired my wife and I to set up Spiritworks at Westcliff on Sea (...Read More
Mon,25 Jan 2010
God and the Haiti Earthquake: John Norton
People in the media are questioning God’s role in the Haiti earthquake and whether that terrible event proves there is no God.
The first thing I need to...Read More
Wed,13 Jan 2010
I cannot do better than to introduce the teachings of Spirit of Anthony with his own words…a part transcript ...Read More
Wed,13 Jan 2010
Spiritual Medium John Norton’s work was inspired by the Spirit of Anthony after he appeared to him in an evening circle meeting. At the time the room was filled with a bright glowing light and four of...Read More
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